Properties of common liquids at room temperature and pressure

Specific Gravity (sg) Specific Weight $(\gamma)$ Density $(\rho)$ Dynamic Viscosity $(\eta)$ Kinematic Viscosity $(\nu)$ Bulk Modulus $K$ Vapor Pressure
$\textrm{kN}/\textrm{m}^3$$\textrm{lb}/\textrm{ft}^3$ $\textrm{kg}/\textrm{m}^3$$\textrm{slugs}/\textrm{ft}^3$ $\textrm{Pa}\cdot s$$\textrm{lb}\cdot s/\textrm{ft}^2$ $\textrm{m}^2/s$$\textrm{ft}^2/s$ GPa$10^5~$psi kPa
The above values are for T=25°C.

Densities and specific weights in the above table are calculated directly from the specific gravity of water at $4^\circ\text{C}$:
$ \rho=1000~\text{kg}/\text{m}^3=1.94~\text{slugs}/\text{ft}^3\,, \gamma=9.81~\text{kN}/\text{m}^3=62.4~\text{lb}/\text{ft}^3 \,. $

Bolz, R. E., and Tuve, G. L. (1973). CRC handbook of tables for applied engineering science. Cleveland, Ohio, CRC Press [1973].
David R. Lide, ed., CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press [2005]
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